2024 Starts with a new school year Dec 23 – Nov 24.
Everyone, students, teachers and friends look forward to a great year. This is year 12 for Mhvc; where has the time gone?
As we look back on those years we can report there have been many successes from previous generation students studying medicine, midwifery, nursing, teaching , international relations and much more. Many students have gained employment outside of the village environment contributing to the families in the villages. We wish our current students similar success. This has been achieved initially by Mhvc but to a greater extent by the students themselves continuing their studies, particularly English and their commitment for a brighter future
During the 2nd week of January our old friend Charlene ( who has visited before with another Mhvc friend Wen Ying) came with her husband Rick. They bought with them a large quantity of clothing which was distributed amongst the students. Additionally they passed over 400$ towards the purchase of a second school T shirts for each student. The students had already had received a T shirt earlier in the month from the school. The donated monies came from: 150$ Ricks company CCom Inc, 150$ from Shermin Tay, 50$ from Wen Ying and 50$ from Rick and Charlene. We are so fortunate to receive their support.
Further to this 850$ has been donated from Spain from our Spanish/American friends, Vivian and Hans, Ann and David Rosser, Lindsay Hart and Freda Davies. A very big thanks to you all.
We look forward to new friends visiting over the next 2/3 months.