Bringing education, health and hope to the people in the Prey Chrouk Commune of Cambodia
Mobility within and outside the commune area is important particularly for the students getting to and from school which can require the children walking many kms each day. We consider that by providing each family and/or the student with a bicycle their willingness to travel to and from class will be enhanced. We believe that his enhanced mobilty will encourage students to complete their studies.
Individual “one off” donations or monthly sponsorships will allow us to purchase a bicycle, lock and cover minor repairs for a year, such as punctures, for approximately 50$US per cycle.
Regular monthly sponsorship or single donations will allow us to provide each school student with two (2) uniform T-shirts each year.
Clothing is always welcome at MHVC to help the poorer familes. If you are able to provide clean, good condition clothes we wll be happy to liase with you to make arrangements for dispatch and receipt in Cambodia.
Obviously any donation money for clothing will be spent where the need is greatest and probably we are able to source the clothes at a more attractive price here in Cambodia.
1. Donations to cover drinking water for the students whilst at school would be greatly appreciated. This is one of the most important aspects for us to deal with. We have limited well water in the commune area which can be contaminated when the area floods. Many families and children in particular, drink water direct from the lake resulting in numerous stomach and other parasitic infections. Within this project we are investigating what methods are available for water purification on a cost and health effective basis.
2. Together with the above, we arrange a Fruit Day on Fridays for the students. Each child receives a portion/piece of fruit at breaktime.
The object of these initiatives is to ensure the children learn the benefits that are gained from fresh produce and clean water.
We have been active during the last 10 years with the provision of individual water filters for poor families. In partnership with Habitat for humanity we have secured a water purification unit at Prasat School. Some of our pre Covid projects were completed by Hornsea School 6th form (UK) who generously provided capital and labour . Examples of construction included water well, school dining area, painting and repairing school classrooms, 3 WCs for 3 poor families (we still have about 50% homes in our villages without sanitation (July 2020).
We review our project requirements on a monthly basis and update our donors and sponsors as to the progress made with these initiatives. All monies donated for specific purposes are “Ring fenced”. We again appreciate what you do for US. Any sum(s) donated however small will be used for its intended purpose. We try to keep our operating, administration costs and bank charges to a minimum so that as much of YOUR money goes where it is needed.
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